Das heutige Estland besteht aus der ehemaligen, von 1710 bis 1918 zum Russischen Reich gehörigen Ostseeprovinz Gouvernement Estland und dem nördlichen Teil Livlands, zu dem auch die Insel Saaremaa (Ösel) gehörte.
The today's Estonia consists of belonging from 1710 to 1918 to the Russian Empire, former Baltic province governorate of Estonia and the northern part of Livonia, which included also the island of Saaremaa (Ösel).
Today Estonia consists of the former, 1710-1918 belonging to the Russian Empire Baltic Province Governorate of Estonia and the northern part of Livonia, which also includes the island of Saaremaa (Ösel) belonged.
today's estonia consists of the former, from 1710 until 1918, the russian empire due ostseeprovinz government of estonia and the northern part livlands, including saaremaa island (ösel) belonged to.